Beech Street
Beech Street Custom Set
Our customer reached out and wanted a custom brick set as an anniversary/birthday gift. The set was to be a recreation of an apartment that had sentimental value. We worked exclusively off of street view images to recreate the important features - the awning over the door, the tree and plants out front, the roof line, the fire escape ladders on the side over the garage door, the bench across the street, even the buildings on either side.
Final set design
Our final set design was (insert number of bricks here and dimensions)

This is the first rough draft of the model.

The customer wanted the model larger so we could incorporate more detail, so we scaled it up.

Testing out all of the window colors to find the best color.

Finding the most lifelike color for the roof.

Finished with the roof!

Starting work on the greenery around the building.

Finished the greenery!

Adding bits of the other houses and testing out colors.
